Registration is conducted online as announced before the beginning of each season.
At the beginning of each rehearsal season, new and returning members are asked to arrive at rehearsal by 7:00 pm to turn in the registration fee and receive the music for the season before rehearsal begins at 7:30 pm.
Registration fees per season are
$20 for singers age 30 or younger OR
$60 per season for all others.
This fee covers GPCC's cost for purchasing printed music, the rental of rehearsal space, and securing the professional services of our music director, our accompanist and our section leaders. If the music is returned by the beginning of the next season, with all notes erased, there is no charge for its use. Members who prefer to make permanent notations in their music may purchase it at the cost of $30.
Rehearsal tracks are provided online for each section (altos, sopranos, tenors, bass/baritones).
See our page of Frequently Asked Questions for more information about membership in GPCC.
Or contact us as noted on the contact page.